Verified Facts:
FACT #1 A virus has never been isolated and proven to cause covid. You read that correctly – a virus has NEVER been proven to cause Covid-19. The entire covid narrative is not based on proven science, it was based on theory, assumptions, and computer modelling. The sooner you verify this for yourself, the sooner this pandemic house of cards collapses and you can stop living in fear of contracting and dying from an alleged deadly virus. Dr. Andrew Kaufman explains.
FACT #2 The PCR test does not test for the presence of a covid virus. Common sense should tell you that you can’t test for something that hasn’t been proven to exist. Since so many of us, however, have replaced common sense with covid fear propaganda, then perhaps we should listen to Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test, who explains why his test cannot be used to detect any type of infectious disease, or to Dr. Michael Yeadon:
The PCR test is completely useless and fatally flawed. It MUST be immediately withdrawn and never used again in this setting unless shown to be fixed. I have explained how a hopelessly performing diagnostic test has been and continues to be used NOT for diagnoses of diseases, but solely for creating fear.
Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Chief Scientist, Vice-president Pfizer
FACT #3 A vaccine cannot be manufactured for a virus that has never been isolated and proven to exist. The jabs that have been rolled out are not vaccines – they are experimental gene therapies that have never before been used or tested on human beings. Thousands of doctors, scientists and immunologists around the world are sounding the alarms bells on this, yet many refuse to listen or simply have fallen too deeply into the covid lie they cannot handle the truth. Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Chief Scientist and Vice-president of Pfizer, turned whistleblower, exposes the pharmaceutical fraud.
FACT #4 A virus is not a living organism. A virus does not have a nucleus, or a circulatory system, a nervous system, or a reproductive system. Viruses are not aerosolized, floating through the air, of lingering on surfaces. We have falsely been lead to believe that a virus has the same contagious properties as bacteria.
FACT #5 Fase masks do not protect you from contracting a virus. This unproven virus is reported to be .03 microns in size. A particle this minute can only be viewed through an electron microscope, and cannot physically be trapped by any kind of face mask, not even an N95 surgical mask. It is completely misleading for people to have been told a face mask will protect them from contracting a virus, and no scientific evidence exists to support such a claim.
FACT #6 Wearing a face mask can make you sick. We need to breath oxygen freely and unimpeded, but wearing a mask for prolonged periods diminishes your ability to breathe and oxygenate your blood (hypoxia). We also need to exhale carbon dioxide and other wastes freely, but wearing a mask redirects this waste back into your lungs and elevates blood CO2 (hypercapnia). Wearing a mask also drives up your cortisol level which suppresses your immune system.